Our Projects

waste to energy project

Waste 2 Energy project is based on municipal organic waste and cattle manure.  K.P. Byabasayik Sewa Pvt.Ltd. is construting 3000m3 Biogas plant as a Developer at Karnali province Birendranagar, Surkhet.

Name of the project:  Waste to Energy Project

Location: Birnedranagar Municipality 11, Simalkuna, Surkhet, Karnali province, Nepal

Large biogas

Large Biogas is most flexible and modern generation biogas for whole community. Domestic biogas focus on individual houses but large biogas focus on whole community. Its capacity is 

domestic biogas

Basically, the domestic biogas system is being implemented in the rural areas of Nepal. The Manure of domestic animals (oxen and cows, buffaloes etc), human waste/excreta are the primary feeding material/source for this biogas system. The proper use of which is replacing the use of chemical fertilizer which ultimately has saved money and maintained the clean and green surroundings/environment. 

Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS)

ICS (Improved Cooking Stove) is modern improved stove for ruler community. The main objective of this programme is to address dual purpose of simultaneous Cooking as well as Space heating need of people living in remote high hills of Nepal. The target beneficiary of MICS is very remote places, above 1500m, from sea level.

Wash service (ongoing)

KPBS is providing different service on the basis of community demand. wash service is most important than other service which directly related with public health. People have not enough time to buy wash related product as as requirement because of time bounded or busy lifestyle. we are planning to provide wash product home delivery system toilet cleaning system by using septic tank cleaning service, bio cleaner, water filter etc.