think globally
act locally

Business consultency

Kpbs is providing technical support on renewable energy technology and entrepreneurship development.Main activities are
1.Business plan preparation
2. training on business plan preparation
3. training on entrepreneurship development

Renewable energy technology consultency

Kpbs is providing renewable technology consultancy services as given from established to now
1. survey design estimate of biogas technology, solar technology ICS and improved water mill
2.after sales services on technology

Domestic Biogas

Domestic biogas support program focuses on waste management and environment conservation in the rural community of Nepal. Biogas support program help to reduce work load of women and children to make smokeless kitchen, to integrate with livestock and agriculture farming

Large Biogas

Large biogas program is major program of kpbss which is related with waste to energy project.We have installed 15 m3 to 100m3 capacity of biogas plant in different institution and organization in which are community based, army/police based, public toilet based, slotter house etc.

Improved Cooking Stove

This is the support program in collaboration with snv Nepal local government and AEPC.This program focused to the rural community people who are still using traditional stove and firewood as a fuel. This program to the women and children who collect wood make food and clean house.

Fiber Glassdome Biogas

This is researched based program was designed estimate by kpbs in Nepal which is certified from renewable energy testing station (RETS)/alternative energy promotion center (AEPC). We installed 15 plants in different geographical location and various temperature. It has been working successfully in high altitude in Nepal.